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Greetings Epicenter! During the month of August 2024 we are collecting 30 Notebooks or Ruled Loose Leaf Paper Packs, and 90 Pens (total) for Operation Christmas Child

These are for our shoebox campaign in conjunction with Samaritan's Purse.

Please Note:

1) The notebooks can be spiral bound,  individual packages of ruled loose leaf paper, classic composition notebooks (like we used in school) etc. We are looking for a Total of 30 Notebooks.

2) We are looking for a TOTAL of 90 pens. Some will donate packs with a few pens, and others might donate packages of 10 or more. The goal is to separate all the pens out and put 3 pens in each shoebox

We can't thank you enough for your participation and support of these worthy causes!!

God Bless!