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Pastor Mark's most recent sermon in the Book of Judges covered the story of Deborah and Jael. It reminded me on how often the impact of women in our history is often side-lined or forgotten in our society whether intentionally or not.

There is no debate on how impactful the actions of Deborah and Jael, by the hand of God, were on the history of the Israelites. 

Reading the Bible passages alone might leave you wondering, or wanting to know more. One of the many books in my Bible and reference library quickly became a favorite of mine due to its unique subject matter. The book entitled "All the Women of the Bible"  by author M. L. del Mastro covers over 400 major and minor women of the Bible in more detail. The section on Deborah is 5 full pages, and a very enjoyable read.

I purchased the book at Ollie's last summer, and I believe I only paid $5.00. How often do we reap such reward for so little?

If you are looking for a new book to add to your Bible study and daily devotional,  I encourage you to consider this helpful reference.


Happy reading, and God Bless !